Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I would like to know where young children learn half the things that they learn?

* Where do they learn to talk back to you or rather YELL back?
* Where do they learn to be so stubborn?
* Where do they learn naughty words like (Doof Head)?
* Where do they learn to whine and hold on the floor temper tantrums?


To make us miserable and horribly embarrassed, well I guess so.

Let me just preface that about a week ago I was raving about how awesome Seth's behavior was and what a good boy he was, WELL fast forward one week later and a whole new Seth has emerged. I don't know if he can sense my anxiousness about the arrival of the baby or my just plain tiredness from not being able to sleep longer than 45 minute intervals. He has been a bear and all of the above WHERE questions fit him to a tee.

Last night we engaged in our normal nighttime routine. Brush the teeth, go potty, etc. Once again we fought him to sit on the toilet and for about 10 minutes tried our hardest to get him to go. When he makes up his mind that he doesn't have to go there is NO changing it. So we put him to bed only to be awoken at midnight to tears and wet wet wet bedding. He had wet the bed and when I say wet I mean WET. Everything was soaked including him and everything he was wearing.

So we stripped ALL of the bedding and him. We put new bedding on and new jammies and we were all back to dreamland or so I thought. Seth fell back asleep, Roland fell back asleep but not me. I was more than exhausted, but could not sleep and that made me super mad. So I went out into the computer room to see if I stretched out if I could indeed fall back to sleep. It took an hour, but it eventually happened. So needless to say could you please send some of the following vibes our way...

* sleep vibes for the 38 week preggo lady
* good behavior vibes for the 3 year old munchkin who lives at 154 Bowers Ave.

Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey sis, I know where you're coming from with the sleeping problems. I think I'm a legit insomniac, haven't been asleep before 5 in probably two months. If you're ever frustrated and need someone to talk to late-night, send me a text or give me a call. Believe me, I'm ALWAYS up. Love you, and feel better!