Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Stuff Stuff Everywhere There is STUFF!

I feel like the toys are taking over the house and Seth is only 5 months old. We have 2 jumpy gadgets, a swing, an exersaucer, a floor gym, a vibrating chair, and a rocking chair. Basically my house has been over taken and it is driving me nuts. Either we need a new house or less stuff!

Well enough of my venting, I feel better now!

I'm working on day two of my summer vacation and I'm having a little trouble with the transition. I was into such a great routine going to work and coming home and walking and such. Now, I'm feeling a little stir crazy. I just need to get into a new routine and I'll feel better. I'm not used to having all this time on my hands and I just need to figure out some activities for Seth and I to do.

The rain seems to have lifted for the meantime here so we were able to take a nice walk this morning and then pick up some goodies for a little girl who will be coming to visit this weekend. Tonight if the rain holds off Ro will be able to golf and Seth and I will go to my moms for dinner. I love when other people cook for me lately. I used to love to cook, I'd make these elaborate meals and take all sorts of time, but now, no time so no elaborate meals!

Did I mention that my hair has been falling out like MAD for over a couple of months now. My friends tell me it is normal, but it is down right gross. I find hair everywhere and I'm constantly vacuuming it up and picking it off the bathroom floor. AHHH, this has to stop soon!

This is Seth's first attempt at eating a biter buscuit, what a mess!


AMANDA said...

I soooooo know what you mean about toys taking over the house. It drives me nuts too. Sometimes I can't even see our living room floor, and whenever I walk around, I'm tripping over something. Darn kids!

nina beana said...

those biter biscuits are so nasty- i've stopped giving them to joey because i can't stand the cement-like mess that forms on his afterwards!

also, joey is going to be in heaven at your house because you've seen how small our house is- we have no joey-toys. he'll never want to leave his buddy seth's house!

finally, let's hope for sunny weather for the weekend! when are the fireworks in sackets?
