Monday, June 26, 2006

1st Day of Vacation

So today is my first day of vacation and it is flippin' raining out and Seth is teething so he isn't in the best spirits! Not exactly the best start to my summer vacation, but things will be looking up, our friends will be here in only 5 days for some much needed fun!

Ro got some little stomach bug yesterday so he was down for the count most of the day. I took the opportunity to get some things done around the house before our guests arrive. I still have a list a mile long to accomplish, but I have all week so we'll get it done in time!

I'm so excited about going to the farmer's market this Wednesday. It is just one of those summer activities that you wait for all year long. I am also going to try and visit my grandparents this week depending on Seth's teething moods.

My mom and I went to the movies last night and saw The Breakup, I love those kinds of movies so I laughed my butt off and had a lot of fun! Other then that, there isn't too much excitement in my life as of today. It's rainy and gloomy!

Seth's first try in a hot tub! My friend Erin is holding him.

This is my friend Erin whom I threw a baby shower for last week at work. She makes me very envious, she is 6 1/2 months pregnant and she doesn't have to wear maternity clothes yet! AHH! She is very lucky. Anyhow, check out her cake. She is doing a bee theme so I asked our nurse, who also makes cakes the make her a cake with this theme and look what she came up with, it is amazing. The hive on the top is actually cake. It was so fun and she was surprised and so very greatful!

My sister at her HS graduation

1 comment:

AMANDA said...

Oh no, teething time. I feel you'r pain, Denny is cutting some teeth now and is miserable. We got lucky with Grace, when her teeth were coming in, we didn't even know. She had it easy.
I still haven't seen the break-up, I've been trying to get to the theatre since the movie came out 3 weeks ago.