Tuesday, October 05, 2010

19 Months Old

Our little, but getting bigger everyday, girl is 19 months old today and we have no idea where the time has gone. Each and every day is a blessing and she is such a great little girl. She has a laugh that is contagious and she is so smart even though she chooses not to talk to us yet, but everyone including the doc tells us it will be coming soon. They say that one day she will just start talking up a storm, so until that days comes we just wait and watch! We love you Leah Bean!


Jen said...

I can't believe she's 19 months old already. Time has flown by incredibly fast. Maya was 19 months old when we moved into our house, and she didn't seem like a baby at the time. Isn't Leah supposed to still be a baby?

Happy 19 month birthday beautiful little god-daughter! I love you :)

Anonymous said...

Don't rush it! You know my saying...we spend the first few years teaching them to walk and talk and the next 20 telling them to sit down and shut up!! Lol!