Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Magic (Freaky) Forest

Since the Magic Forest was built in the late 60s it has many unique aspects to it. There are 25 kiddie rides along with a story book forest, safari ride, train ride and diving horse. I had to take some pictures of some of the trippy aspects of this park that we have grown to truly love. When you are there you just sort of look around and take it all in, it is truly unique.

This is a life size crooked house that you can walk through. You seriously feel like you are drunk when you get through it. I tried to run through and as soon as I stopped I smashed myself into the railing. Not such a smart move!
This is one of the unique creatures that I spoke about that resides at the park. Seriously? A woman with a cat/lion body?? This should scare small children right?
Yes, this is my husband!
You have to be laughing now right?


Jen said...

It looks like Ro has been spending a bit too much time with my foul brained husband.

The North Country Sweets said...

What is it with the guys...???hhahahahahaha

KristenC said...

Cracking up! So glad you told me about your other posts! I totally forgot to look. Lake George looks like fun!