Tuesday, September 13, 2011


It is all too easy to complain about the little things that hassle us in life on a daily basis, to think of the negative rather and than the positive, to criticize someone else without walking in their shoes, and to wish for what someone else has, but what you really want.

We will always have something in our life that we want, but if we work hard I believe that in time we should be able to get all that we dream of. I think A LOT in the twenty minutes to and from work, minus the times that my Gram or Kristen call just to chat. I think about the good, the bad and the ugly. I try to calm myself down before I pick up the kids and to remember that I only get to spend 3 to 4 hours with them on week days now so why am I rushing around like a mad woman? There is no point to it so my new mantra is to slow down and relax more after work. If the floors aren't spick and span oh well. At least I went for a bike ride with the kids, played outside or danced to the Wii with them.

So many horrible things have been happening lately and so much scares me that I just want to enjoy each and every day that I have and watch my kids grow. Instead of complaining, I'm going to think about one amazingly positive aspect of my day, each and every day and share it with you. It might be pretty random from time to time, but it will be something that I appreciate or love about my day.

My job has changed so much in the past twelve years. Is it the job that I dreamed of in college and the job that I started, no it isn't. The world is ever changing and I have to change with it. I plan to come to work and enjoy every minute with the wonderful, innocent and heart warming students that I have and leave the rest behind.

Today I am grateful that Seth and Leah love music so much. They love to sing and dance. They dance in the driveway, in the truck and in their seats at dinner. Their newest love is Just Dance Kids for the Wii. It was gifted to us about a year ago and they didn't care for it all too much, but as of two nights ago they fell in love. They sing and dance along with it as much as they can and that is exactly how they wanted to start out their days after breakfast this morning. Roland and I sat and watched as our little midgets danced their hearts out to "Mickey" and "Who Let the Dogs Out". It totally made their day and started ours out on a positive note. This is what I am grateful for today.

Stay tuned for a grateful thought daily...


Mom xoox said...

Very nice and so true! We are ALL so blessed for everyday that is given us with family and friends. Positive is the key word. As I have always said ," Life is GRAND"! Love you everyday, Mom xooxo

The North Country Sweets said...

I have really loved reading your grateful thoughts of the day...so happy and inspiring...sometimes it is hard to slowdown to appreciate those things! thanks for the remidner.