Monday, January 10, 2011

Shedding the Holiday Weight

We Charlton's never sit around and let grass grow under our feet...we are always out and about!
I saw this sign at Dry Hill on Sunday and it made me smile. We might want to curl up under the covers all winter long, but we don't. We make the most of the cold and wet weather. Sunday we loaded up a much determined Seth and headed to Dry Hill. Seth is now officially off the edgy wedgies on his skis and he is so close to skiing freely. He and Roland have been practicing as much as possible and we hope that a couple more trips up and he will be an official skier on his own.
My ski partner for the day was Sophia. She was very excited that she didn't have to stay home and that we could be chair lift buddies for the day!
It was darn chilly, but we bundled up as much as possible!
Seth and Ro getting off the lift.
NO edgy wedgies anymore! Progress is being made!
Seth and Maya are working so hard to get off these harnesses! They are both so close!
We even had spectators! Grandma and Poppy stopped up quick to check out Seth's progress!


Jen said...

Thank you so very much for letting Sophia ski with you! She had a blast and was very excited that you took her down the "big hill" under the chairlift.

The North Country Sweets said...

what the heck are edgy wedgies? I'm sooooo not a skiier!