Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Torturing an 82 Year Old Woman

We had my grandparents down for dinner last night and I think they seriously went home utterly exhausted. First Gram played outside on the play set with the kids, after dinner Seth dressed her up and finally we took them to the Sherman playground and they followed the kids around. My Gram emailed me this morning and said that she slept excellent and that was the most exercise she had gotten in a long time. My Gramp stood to the sidelines while Gram did all the work. Isn't that always the case! Ha Ha just kidding!

A quote from my Gram last night, "Don't you dare put this picture on my casket some day!"
We love you guys!


momxoxox said...

OMG!!!!!!!! xooxoxxo MOM

The North Country Sweets said...