Thursday, March 19, 2009

Crafty Mom

I'm not always the craftiest mom, but I would like to be so we have been doing all sorts of pre-schoolish things this week at home!

I'm trying to make Seth's time at home with me as exciting as I can and I'm trying to take this extra opportunity to teach him a few things too. We went to Pre-School story time at the library and he loved it. Since he is now 3, he is old enough to go to the older story time where they not only listen to stories and sing songs, but they also get to do a craft at the end. He LOVED it!
We also finally got out the scissors and started practicing cutting for the first time. It was an interesting experience trying to teach a 3 year old to cut (god love you Mom for what you do daily!), but we are improving and learning how to hold the scissors. He was pretty proud of himself and so was I. We will keep trying!

Way to go Seth!

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