Wednesday, February 07, 2007


After dodging bullets for many weeks Seth has finally caught this bug going around our area. He threw up yesterday morning a couple of times and now as my good friend Nina would say, he has the poop shoot riots! So Daddy did his duty and stayed home yesterday and I was smart enough to write sub plans just in case I needed to stay home and I DO! The good thing about this is that so far he is in great spirits in between his episodes! So we are going to have a low key playing morning, a nap, then lunch and this afternoon we have to run back to the docs to get his arm checked after his TB test and if all goes well we might visit Grammy P at school.

Then tonight Ro and I have to go get our taxes done so my Mom and Tom are going to come over and watch Seth. I bribed them though and made them Seafood Stew for dinner! I hope it turned out good.

I'm sure that many of you have heard me talk about our friends from MA: Nina, John, Grace, and Joey. PLEASE keep them in your prayers as they are battling a very sick hospitalized baby. Joey caught RSV a very scary virus and he is in the hospital recovering. We are thinking of you every minute! Love to all!



AMANDA said...

I am loving Seth's jammies. And yes, Denny is cactching up to Grace very fast. Have a great night!

nina beana said...

poop shoot riot...RIOT! throw back a couple of queers.

so sorry that little man's bum is exploding. him and grace should get together and paint the town brown.

(ok, can you tell i'm a bit loopy today or what?)

thank YOU so MUCH for all your kind thoughts and prayers and words this week. i found so much strength from them. xoxo