Tuesday, September 19, 2006


We have come to yet another milestone in our long line. We had to lower Seth's mattress to the lowest possible level because he loves loves loves to pull himself up and we were freaked that he was going to fall out.

"I Want To WALK!"

My little helper!

It has been crazy hectic in our house for the past few days. Between crazy trageties, sickness, and random hecticness I'm about ready to burst. Seth has been running a fever since Saturday and last night he started getting a rash and this morning it has spread to his forehead so Ro is taking him to the docs this am. A very close friend's daughter who is also a former student has been diagnosed with Osteo Sarcoma and will be undergoing every test imaginable. I already wrote about my father's experience fishing this past weekend and to top it off I backed over a small driveway stake at a friends house and tore the back bumper off Ro's Volvo. So needless to say the stress levels have been high. I need to meditate or something to relax. So since I couldn't do that I stopped this morning and got a Dr. Pepper fountain soda to calm my nerves. I'm trying to remain POSITIVE on all fronts and hope that all parties make out well. Please say a little prayer for my family and friends this week. We all need it!

FYI: Ro just called and the doc said that Seth has Throat Engina, it is a virus and the rash has completely covered his body and is in his throat so that is why he has been crying so much. The poor little guy's throat is probably burning. Ro is staying home with Seth today and I just arranged to stay home with him tomorrow. Say prayers for us!


nina beana said...

sending all the love and energy i can your way! i wish i could be closer so i could help you out- at least bring over some freshly baked banana bread or something. please know that i would if i could! i remember gray having that throat thingie when she was little- they are so miserable. just know that when everything passes, you'll be left with a calmness and a feeling of "whew! it's over!" you'll appreciate the calm so much.

sending prayers to your dear friends and family, too.


AMANDA said...

Gosh, when it rains it pours. We'll be thinking of you and sending lots of prayers your way.