Sunday, February 27, 2011


We thought it would never grow, but low and behold it started and created the craziest mullet ever to enter our family. The time came to shed the mullet and Aunt Dayna was happy to come and give Leah her first hair cut.
So long crazy hair!
Aunt Dayna used to cut Seth's hair and oh what an experience that was. Seth has never liked getting his hair cut and actually threw up on Dayna once while crying so hard. Leah is the direct opposite of her brother and sat very patiently while eating a lollipop. She never whimpered, just smiles all the way.

The new and improved AND almost 2 Leah Bean!
We love you sweet sweet girl!
Thank you Aunt Dayna for coming over and being part of this milestone.


The North Country Sweets said...

GOOOOOD BYEEEEEE MULLET! Yay Leah...looking so pretty!

Jen said...

We've had some mullet issues over the years as well. It's always so sad to cut their baby hair off, but luckily grows back.... Without the mullet.