Sunday, July 05, 2009

Happy 4 Month Birthday Leah Bean!

The past 4 months have been so wonderful. You are a very calm and content little girl who loves to smile and now who lives to laugh! You are rolling all over the place from belly to back and back to belly. We can't leave you alone in a room for too long because we don't know what position you will be in when we return. You love to take in all the sights of the world and not miss a thing. I sometimes wonder how you don't get whip lash from moving your head back and forth so quickly so that you don't miss a thing! You have started cereal and LOVE it so we can't wait to move on to bigger and better foods to see your likes and dislikes. We love you very much Miss Leah!

1 comment:

Sarah Richards said...

Happy 4 Month Birthday!!! I can't believe you have been here that long!