Friday, August 22, 2008


This morning Seth and I debriefed about his night at Grandma and Poppy's and I swear I'm talking to a miniature man.

I said, "So what did you do at Grandma and Poppy's last night?"
Seth said, "Ate dinner and swam in the pool."
I said, "What did you have for dinner?"
Seth said, "Pasta, meatballs and bread!"
I said, "Did you go in the little pool or the big pool"?
Seth said, "We went in the little pool AND the big pool."
I said, "What did you do after dinner?"
Seth said after a pause to think real hard, "To get ice cream."
I said, "What kind of ice cream did you get?"
Seth said, "Prinkles on it, look at my belly!"

This conversation was utterly priceless and I wished I had it on tape. He was so serious and was thinking so hard as to what they did and what they ate. Our little toddler is growing up at warp speeds!

FYI~ Seth is also giving up his beloved crib next week and giving it to the baby as he says. In all actuality he is getting his very own bunkbeds. Pics and tales of bedtime woes to come, but hopefully the transition will go smoothly!

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