Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Last night Kristen and Jacob had Seth and I over for dinner while Roland was at golf and during our time outside the boys found a huge box of Ring Pops. The reason for a huge box of Ring Pops is a story for another time, but it got me to thinking about candy from our childhood days. So my challenge for you is to think of some of your favorite childhood candies.
I'll start us out...

* Fun Dip
* Foot long Pixie Sticks
* Nerds

What were your favorite candies in the past?


nina beana said...

i heart blow pops and whatchamacallit candy bars.

and you.


AMANDA said...

Pop rocks, Nerds & Twix were my favs~

Anonymous said...

Whistle pops, candy cigarettes and wax bottles filled with juice!