Saturday, March 23, 2013

Daily Inspirations

 Have you ever had that day dream about being granted one wish? You could choose one thing that you wanted most in the whole wide world. You probably wished to win the lottery, to have lots of money or to have something lavish right? I've thought about that day dream a lot lately and I have decided that I would like one thing. It is something totally simple and practical. Something that I work towards daily, but that I can't always totally grasp. I would like to have patience. I wish I were more laid back and let things roll off my back more. I wish that little things didn't bother me so much and I didn't always have a feeling of stress inside my chest. I wish I was a totally patient person, always. Since there is no magic wish coming my way I guess I will have to continue working towards this goal. I chant it in my head daily and I really work on it, but it is tough. All the money in the world couldn't buy it, but I can strive for it.
What would your ONE wish be?

1 comment:

The North Country Sweets said...

Pretty similar to that...well, I think I could pay for a great therapist to teach me patience if I would just win the darn powerball!