Thursday, March 21, 2013

Daily Inspirations

You know "those" people who you can't ask a single question without getting an "oh woe is me" answer from? Holy moly perk up. Life is tough and we all have our problems. Try to spin the negative into some positive. I catch myself doing that. Little problems in my life are just that, little. No one has the perfect life and we all have things that are unpleasant. Perk up and remember that we are lucky to be alive and have so many things to be thankful for. If I sound negative remind me of this post and kick me in the butt please.


KristenC said...

Listen lady...I have my days but you better not run away from me! lol

JCharlton said...

I'd never run away from you. You keep me sane!

The North Country Sweets said...

LOL, I'm laughing at Kristen's reply! But Kristen, you and I have a "friend" in common like this T-G. LOL I have to remind myself to be positive...I "eat the whole elephant" too often...