Thursday, August 16, 2007

Calgon Take me Away...

It has been a couple of "those" days. We are currently going through teething hell and it isn't pretty! I count down the hours to nap and bed times and just try to keep his mind of the pain at all other hours of the day. I feel so badly, this has to be the worst experience he has had as of yet with the teeth. He is drooling like crazy, has a canker sore on his tongue and he is talking funny because it hurts him. Damn molars, why can't he just be born with them??? Anyhow, that is life right now!

I did manage to squeeze 2 hours of Mommy time in this morning to grab breakfast at Tin Pan with two friends from work. The food was delicious and the peace and quiet was priceless! Now it is almost nap time so I will enjoy every minute of the peace and then battle the afternoon!

Wish me luck...


AMANDA said...

Man, does teething ever end? Remember, this, too shall pass.

nina beana said...

hugs to the babe. poor guy!

but i have to admit that i'm a tad jealous about tin pan...besides you guys, that's the one reason why i'm often tempted to take a weekend drive back to watertown! xx