Wednesday, August 01, 2007


It seems as if since we have gotten home from our vacation that we are doing a hodgepodge if things. Ro was in a 3 day golf tournament last weekend and he was beat come Sunday. He was gone most of all 3 days and got home late at night. He had a blast and that is all that matters though. The wives went on Saturday night and had dinner and then watched the karaoke. That was a blast! People are just hysterical. Our friend Paul was singing most of the night and he got right into it. Too funny! Ro and Paul

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I'm sorry it turned out so dark,
but this is our friend Paul singing ACDC!
Since the weekend ended I have been working this week at school. They pay you so much per hour during what is called "Computer Camp" so it is a no brainer! Easy money! Toby Keith concert money! Today my mom and I are taking my Grandma out to lunch on us! We don't often get much girl time so we are taking advantage of it!

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