Monday, May 03, 2010

Picnic on the Battlefield

Saturday was the first day in a long time that it just felt great to be alive! The weather was fantastic and we had to break out the shorts and the white pasty legs, but we did it with pride! Roland and Rod went on a Poker Run with the four wheelers so the moms and kids went on a picnic in Sackets. I really wanted to head down to Sackets to check out our letterbox and see how it held up over the winter. It needs a new ziploc bag, but the contents are safe and sound inside and many people have found it so we are super happy!
I brought plenty of balls and toys so that the kids could run and kick and enjoy the big open area.
Sophia didn't quite understand the whole "letterbox" idea, but I tried to explain it to her and show her what was inside.
I still look at Leah with amazement that she is running around the battlefield this year. Last year she was just a sleepy blob!
We all tried to play soccer and I say try loosely as the kiddos had a hard time not picking the ball up.
It is so interesting to see the starts of kicking and passing.
Maya is such a peanut and she has a little peanut kick too!
Then, they tried to climb the monument and chase each other around it.
It was a fantastic morning with fantastic friends. Thanks for hanging out with us!


Jen said...

Even though there were some attitude issues with an unnamed 6 year old, I still had an incredible time. It felt so wonderful to be outside, watching the kids run free. It was the perfect way to spend the day :-)

Here's to many more perfect days just like that!!

KristenC said...

I will have to do your LB this summer and then we have to plant ours!