Tuesday, May 04, 2010

The Case of the Missing Snacks

Exhibit A :
The snack cupboard is open and the highchair has been moved. This is becoming a major problem in the Charlton house as sticky fingers seem to think they need snacks all the time.
Who could the culprit be???Exhibit B:
CAUGHT RED HANDED! The Charlton Snack Thief!
Looks like a lock might need to be placed on the snack cupboard because we have a freakishly strong 14 month old who can push obstacles out of her way in the search for food!


Jen said...

Way to assert your independence miss Leah!! But I do agree, maybe a lock might be a good idea. How funny!

KristenC said...

I could eat her like a cookie--she is hilarious!

The North Country Sweets said...

This is freakin' hilarious! Way to go Leah, you're so smart!