Friday, May 20, 2011

K Screening

It's official, Seth has been screened for kindergarten and he passed with flying colors. We think we are alright with our decision to send him to Knick, but it has been a very hard decision and I still have my days where I am unsure. I can't believe that he is even old enough for this. YIKES!

We love you and are so proud of you Seth!


"Aunt" Laurie said...

Way to go Seth! Can't wait to see you at graduation!!

Maureen said...

He will do a GREAT job at Knick and we're so glad he's coming! I hope I have some kids in his class so I can go in and see what he's up to! He's such a cutie!

Jen said...

I can't believe they are going to Kindergarten next year!! Maya and Seth were just babies yesterday.

KristenC said...

Look out Kindergarten here he comes! Great job Seth!