Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thoughts and Celebrations

* My report cards are done! (still need to be printed, but they are done!)
* I have officially started Christmas shopping and have quite a bit accomplished.
* Leah is starting to talk! (Finally thank the lord!) She now says Mama, Dadda, baby and done!
* Seth can spell both his first and last name as well as write them. He also knows all of his letters and most of his sounds! He loves to play the sound game where you give him a word and sound and he tells you what letter is starts with.
* I have the best husband in the world. I don't normally get all mushy on here, but I really look at him and think how lucky I am. I don't think I tell him enough amongst all the chaos that always seems to consume us.
Thoughts & Updates
* There just never seems to be enough time in the day. Between family, work, housework, errands, cooking and sleep there just never seems to be enough time to fit it all in.
* Daylight savings stinks, simply put I don't like it being dark at 5pm. It is so tough on the spirit!
* 2 more teeth to cut for Leah and please God let them break threw soon because this teeth saga is killing us. The waking up crying and the constant whinny behavior is more than we can all take. We miss our sweet, smiley Leah please bring her back ASAP!
* After our appointment in Syracuse yesterday Roland said something to me that almost broke my heart. He said, "I'm sorry, you didn't sign up for this." My response to him was, "In sickness and health I am here for you."
* So here is what I have to say...
Dear Cancer,
You suck and we want to get rid of you! Please allow the tumor marker levels to drop further so we can be rid of you once and for all. Also, please let those abnormal lymph nodes that were found be non cancerous. We aren't asking for very much!
The Charlton Family
Staying Positive!


Jen said...

Great minds think alike.. I also wrote a blogpost using this same picture, I just haven't had time to finalize and publish it yet.

My thoughts are always with you and Ro. I'm hoping against all hope that everything is A-Ok with Ro. He's the best man ever and he doesn't deserve to be sick.

Amen to the hours in a day! I haven't been home before 8 in almost 2 weeks. Doing housework after 8 at night and before 8 in the morning is simply horrid.

Mom P said...

So thrilled for you RO!!! YAHOOOOOOOO!! Praying really works!!! Thankyou Guardian Angel for all your help. I love you everyday!xoxoxoxoox Mom P.