Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I'm not sure how many of you readers watch Big Brother 8, but I have to vent about the show for a bit today. We are getting down to the wire with only 3 house guests remaining and I'm not very happy with how it is playing out.

This season they put 3 sets of people in the house that knew each other and had beef with each other. That is all well and good, but one set is related. They put a father and daughter in the house that hadn't spoken in 2 years, BUT you knew that they would put aside their differences and ban together to form an alliance. I feel that this give them an unfair advantage against the other house guests. I realize that there were multiple opportunities to evict them and the other house guests were stupid to keep them. Now they are in the final 3 and I know that they will probably we in the final 2. I DON'T want either of them to win. Evil is mean and disgusting and Daniele is a snot. So I guess my vote is for Zach.

I'm just annoyed with the whole show right now! There was my vent for the day!


AMANDA said...

I hear ya girl. The Donato's are both disgusting pigs! The other peeps are so dumb for not getting them out when they could have. I don't even want to watch the show now.

Anonymous said...

Right on girlfriend!! I feel the SAME way.

P.S. Insider info... Zach wins part one of the endurance comp. You didn't hear it from me though.

Anonymous said...

i agree... i was watching the showtime after dark.. dick was shivering up a storm and danielle was out first. so happy to hear zack won. he should have used his "muscle" and used his pov to get eric off the block. then dick would have had to put up dani and eric and zach could have voted her out...