Friday, September 26, 2014

Grateful Not a Be a Full Time Single Mom

 Roland was gone this entire week and I had lots of time to think on my way to and from work about how much respect I have for single parents. It's a ton of work and I really appreciate Roland when he is home and how much he truly does to help me with the kids and the house on a weekly basis.
With that being said we fared well this week with tons of help from Grandma Bonnie and Grandma Barb and Poppy Tom. We had sports multiple evenings and Open House at school too. Leah asked to make small pizza's like at Miss Kristen's, so her wish was granted and she was all smiles.
We went to Open House last night and I really enjoyed seeing where the kids spend 7 hours a day. Leah was so excited to show us everything and Seth just wanted to play with his friends on the playground. I love Seth's art work (shown above). It made me chuckle.
The weekend ahead isn't very busy thank goodness. We have a Watertown FC team building activity tonight, a game tomorrow and helping Roland's parents move the rest of the weekend. Low key is the name of the game this weekend and I love it. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss those kids like crazy!!! We love you all and esp my little Leah and our Fridays together! xoxoxoxoxo