Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Giant and The Peanut

It is hard to believe that we have a little boy who isn't so little anymore. He wants to do everything on his own and exert his independence. Then we have a tiny little peanut baby girl who just wants to snuggle and fall asleep on you all the time. Life couldn't get any better! We are truly blessed!
As you can see, Seth has super duper large feet just like his Daddy. Even Leah has big feet for 5 weeks. I bought her size 1 baby shoes and they aren't huge on her. The comparison cracks me up though!


Sarah Richards said...

I have a ton of these pics of Morgin and Brady! Leah is definetly a peanut!

jenica said...

i remember when i came home after having my third child, my older kids were HUGE! after staring a newborn for 3 days my other kids had such LONG NECKS. too funny.