Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Weekend Tidbits

 1. I'd like to have a contest with my children to see how many chocolate covered strawberries they can actually eat before they get sick. At this point I always end up cutting them off, but some day I'll challenge them to a contest and see how many they can truly eat.
 2. My friend Ashley is the bravest person I know and this is coming from a bit of an anal retentive person. She had Vivie's 3rd birthday party Saturday and had 7 little girls paint. Kids loved it, but I was secretly in inner panic mode until I realized that it was completely washable. Then I was finally able to breathe. Kids had a blast and Ashley should also be a party planner, the snack table was straight off a Pinterest page. It was adorable and I'm definitely stealing some of her ideas.
3. Sara watched the kids Saturday night and arrived in 3 inch wedges. I literally asked her if she was insane? I said how are you going to play basketball, soccer, etc in those heals? Her reply was that she loves to be barefoot....gross. Anal retentive instance #2 of the day. I may need some therapy.
4. Roland's car was stolen while he was away for work in Delaware this weekend. Random craziness.
 5. I made it through the mirror maze at Destiny without having a panic attack. Last year when I tried it in Niagara Falls with Seth I had a major panic attack. I'm proud of myself.
 6. Made it to one of my favorite restaurants this weekend for an early Mother's Day meal. Ate the 4 full courses and just about fell asleep on the way home from being so full. Well worth it, so delicious.
7. This guy CAN eat his weight in Rice Krispie treats. He asked for a third plate at dessert. Needless to say he DID fall asleep on the way home.
8. My kids have certain traditions with my Mom and Tom and they let me go with them Friday night to the cemetery to partake in a few of them. Let's just say it was the  most fun I've had in ages and it makes me smile just thinking about our night. It's the small things in life that mean the most.
9. Mother's Day wasn't extravagant this year, but it was exactly how I pictured it for this year. I loved my homemade gifts from the kids, my special gift from Ro and we got a ton of work done around the house. It was perfect.

1 comment:

The North Country Sweets said...

I wish we were there on that Saturday :)