Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Our Special Girl

 I got a bit teary as I was looking for old pictures last night. Time truly flies by just so quickly I can't stand it. I remember like it was yesterday when Leah was bald and didn't talk. Now she cries when I come near her hair and talks NON-STOP. I wouldn't have it any other way though, I love her to the moon and back and I am so thankful that she is a part of our family. She is kind, thoughtful, acts like an old lady most of the time, loving, smiley, picky, adventurous and so much more.
Thank you Auntie Jen for all of her birthday shirts over the years. I keep them all and they are hanging in her closet.
 That smile is truly amazing.
Leah and I went and did her 5th photo booth last weekend.
Love you Leah Bean.

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