Tuesday, January 14, 2014


It's been looming, but the news dropped last night and I'm working through my emotions. The best way for me to work through them is to type. Almost eight years ago (gosh time flies like the speed of light) we randomly met a wonderful family while searching for the perfect Christmas tree and the rest is history. We have been inseparable ever since. We have travelled together endlessly, spent more time at each others homes than we can count and made the most amazing memories that two families could ever make. I know that just because they are moving across the ocean that our friendship will never ever end, but right now the news is a tough pill to swallow. I also know that this time so far away isn't forever, we can handle a couple of years, but it still feels like we are losing so much. We are such a huge part of each others families; on a given week we probably see each other and/or help each other out 4-5 times, grab dinner out, sit and chat at sporting practices and so much more. I feel like there will be a huge void in our life come June. All we can do is savor each and every moment together for the next few months. Thank goodness for the Internet, Skype and all electronic devices that will help to keep us in each others lives. It won't be the same, but it will have to do. I am truly grateful for this friendship. It has stood the test of time; in good times and bad, through thick and thin. I can't say that about any other friendship in my whole life. We are blessed to have had them brought into our lives and will cherish the new memories in the future; wherever that many be. Just breathe, it will be OK. :(

1 comment:

Laurie said...

I've said for a long time now that this will be harder on you than on us because you are a part of each others' daily lives. You have such a solid friendship that nothing will ever change that. They are as blessed to have met you as you them, and we are thankful that you have been a part of all of our lives...and always will be!