Friday, November 01, 2013


 It's been one of those weeks where I felt both totally crazed, but yet totally blessed at the same time. Whenever life has gotten a bit too busy, something has happened to ground me and to help me count my blessings. Leah's school picture came back this week and it melted my heart completely. Leah can be such a challenge and she is going through an "interesting" phase right now, but she can also be the absolute sweetest little thing ever. On one of the evenings that Ro was out of town this week Leah woke me up at 3:30am just to tell me that she loved me. No how can you be angry about that? You can't, it was the best.
 Two of my favorite people got engaged this past week and we are over the moon THRILLED for them. They are so in love and I feel blessed to share their happiness and to welcome Joan to our crazy family. I have two brothers getting married in the next two years so can you say party AND I will continue to hit Planet Fitness for the next two years to look good for said weddings. HA.
 Leah felt like she met a super star this week...The Bishop. It was so funny listening to her tell us about her day.
 Seth had a super Halloween infused music class this week and he loved every minute of it. We are so blessed to have met Ticia and to be a part of her music family.
I am not a person who normally dresses up for Halloween, but this year our entire building had a theme and it was really fun. We were all SUPER TEACHERS with full on capes, masks and all sorts of accessories. It was really fun and the kids loved it. We had t-shirts made with phrase "I'm a Teacher...What's Your Super Power?" They are great and oh so true.

1 comment:

The North Country Sweets said...

Your kids' school pictures are adorable!!!