Thursday, October 13, 2011


First and foremost, Leah is going to KILL me later on in life when she sees that I posted these pictures! This past weekend we started the task of potty training. We had our ups and downs, but I think that since we waited far longer than we did with Seth that she was just plain ready for it. She embraced it and was so proud of herself. We did a Dora sticker chart and she was instantly in love with that aspect. The weekend was interesting because it felt like life moved in half hour segments, but by Monday she had started to tell us when she had to go and we even made it to Old McDonald's Farm with no accidents.

She is pretty proud of her big girl undies too!

As you can see, her charts are full of stickers and she is a happy big girl!

We are so proud of you Leah Bean!


grandma P. xoxo said...

YAY LEAH!!! So proud of you!! xoxoox Grandma P.

KristenC said...

I am super proud of you! I knew she would do it well! love you

The North Country Sweets said...

way to go!!!! Yippee Leah!
I'm stealing your chart since my twins are refusing poopie still, ugh!
By the wya, it is a pic she won't like, but she looks soooooo adorable!