Sunday, November 23, 2008

On the Home Stretch

After only 3 weeks we are on the home stretch of our remodel and we are very anxious to have it done and to have the mess go away! We are also very excited to see the final outcome.

Right now the siding is about 85% done. They have some higher levels to finish up along with the windows that need replacing.
On the inside, the carpet is being installed tomorrow morning and then to our dismay, the contractor has to come and finish the wiring. We are not thrilled that it wasn't finished on Friday because I don't want them on the new carpet. What can you do, BUT put a huge sign in front of the door telling them to take their shoes off!!!
I am excited for Tuesday to come, that is when I will get the house cleaned and back in shape for our very special Thanksgiving dinner! Final outcome pictures will be on the way this week!

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