Monday, January 09, 2012

No Skates Required

We went to dinner at our friends house on Saturday night and Seth was able to play hockey inside their house. (Are they crazy?) All the way home he begged and begged for hockey sticks. So after church on Sunday we went and got some and he is now hooked. He and Roland played outside all afternoon and then he begged him to go back out after dinner (brrr) to play more. I am just happy that he is off his duff and playing AND that he didn't ask me. Let's just hope he doesn't want to play for real. I'm not a hockey mom.
No snow in January, this is just beyond strange.


KristenC said...

Oh come on! You could be a hockey mom! I love that he loves it! Something new for him and Jake to do this summer!

KristenC said...

PS--my house is no longer my house when the sticks come out! What we would we do without that hallway?!

The North Country Sweets said... in the house...CRAY-ZEE hockey family! LOL
have fun, 5AM ice time and the like, LOL