They say that god only gives you what you can handle and lately he has been testing our patience quite a bit. Almost two weeks ago we had a wind storm that blew off our roof in 9 spots...9 spots. This should not happen to a 3 year old house, but we have come to find out that our builder did not put on the correct shingles for a house on top of the largest hill in all of Watertown. You trust people and think they have your best interest at heart, but come to find out they don't and then you are in for a huge mess. It's been a stressful couple of weeks AND THEN...we got another wind storm even worse yesterday and we added two more spots to the missing roof. We are learning huge life lessons during all of this. We need to ask more questions and to be much more aware of every single decision that we make in life. The good news is that we found a very highly recommended roofer who has been amazing. His company tarped the 9 areas last week and came back today to tarp the newest additions to the shingle graveyard. We can go away now and not stress about the roof leaking into our house. We are currently working with our home owners insurance and hope to move forward with a new roof on the back and sides in the month of May. A roof that can withstand high winds and lower my stress level into the future.
Yesterday when this was happening and we were all home I was almost in tears. Watching the shingles fly off and hearing the flapping on the roof just about sent me over the edge.
This too shall pass...
Positivity in our future.