Friday, March 02, 2007

Freezing Rain Day

No school/work for me today because the weather here is rather crazy. My school closed due to freezing rain, but Watertown schools are open because it is only rainy and windy in town. Seth and I are going to visit Grammy at work today and join here creative movements class with her students this afternoon. Seth should get a kick out of that!

Other then that I'm just catching up on laundry and counting down the minutes until I can dig into my steak tomorrow night. SOOOO excited!

It has been a blah week, and now with the added wetness I'm more then ready for spring. Which is only 19 days away!!

Here are some of the things I CAN'T wait to do...
* walks after dinner
* cook on the grill
* farmers market
* Chrissy Beanz for coffee/treats/sitting outside and people watching
* stopping for a fountain soda on our daily walks
* taking Seth to the zoo for the 1st time
* going to the playground
* building Seth's swingset
* playing outside
* warm sun
* no jackets
* deck parties
* seeing Seth in the swimming pool this year
* visiting friends
* vacationing with friends
* strawberry picking
* blueberry picking
* fresh fruits and veggies
* Uncle J coming home for the summer
* taking Rocky for walks
* wagon rides
* sitting on the front porch

So many things to look forward to, we are truly lucky people!


Anonymous said...

I hope Mother Nature reads this blog and is on schedule to bring us Spring in 19 more days! I'm not entirely convinced yet.

AMANDA said...

Your list is perfect and makes me even more excited for spring. Enjoy your "snow" day and have a fun weekend!