Monday, October 02, 2006

Calm Weekend

We had a very laid back and calm weekend. Friday night we basically did nothing. Saturday Roland was on call and Seth was catching up on sleep he missed out on during the week at the sitters. So he slept for 2 hours in the am and an hour and a half in the pm. Al, Ro's cousin, who owns a construction company came over to look at step 1 of our kitchen remodel. We are putting in a pocket door in the kitchen because our current door opens into the stove and it always in the way. We thought a pocket door would be more sensible. So that will be installed on Wednesday!!! Saturday night we went to our friends the Voss' for dinner and it was yummy!

Seth with our friends Jamie and Andy

Seth enjoying someone else's excersaucer

One of Seth's girlfriends, Maya Voss

Sunday started out rainy and yucky so Seth napped most of the day once again. We did manage to make it to Super Walmart to get groceries and stock up. We also went for a wonderful fall walk before dinner. It was the perfect fall night.

Back to the kitchen remodel. You are probably thinking, "What kitchen remodel?" We have decided after going back and forth back and forth that we can not find a new house right now so why not spruce ours up in the mean time. We have decided to get a new kitchen floor, counter tops, walls, a pocket door, stove, and fridge. Our current oven/stove is literally from the 50s and totally uncleanable. Then, in the spring hopefully we can replace the carpet in the livingroom and put down a wood floor in the diningroom. The door gets installed this week, the drywall people are coming to measure later in the week and hopefully start ASAP, then everything else will fall into shape. I'm so excited. I have always wanted a burnt red kitchen (walls) and I'm finally getting it! I'll be taking pics as the reavation progresses!

1 comment:

AMANDA said...

Ohh, a new kitchen, how nice that will be! Can't wait to see the pics. Have a good week Jen!