Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dreams DO Come True

 In late August we were invited to our friends new home for a BBQ with a few other families from Knickerbocker School. While we were talking the topic of a piece of land close by that was for sale came up. If you know us at all you know that we have been looking at houses for years and years. We have gone around and around trying to decide if we should find a house and move, stay in our current house or build. I have personally been too scared to take the plunge and build, but secretly it has been what I've wanted more than anything. After the BBQ I asked Roland to call the number and set up a walk of the land. That day is as clear as can be in my mind and I remember feeling at peace and just "knowing" that we were going to own that land and build our dream house. The process of buying land is a very interesting process let me tell you and I have learned a ton about finance and how banking works. We have the most amazing banker and we are truly lucky to now own 12 acres on Gotham Street Road which we will some day call home.
 Anyone with a brush hog, backhoe, riding mower, etc that wants to come help you are more than welcome.
Proof we will someday have water.


Laurie said...

Holy cow!! 12 acres! Congratulations! I am so happy for you all and I can't wait to see the new house one day!

Anonymous said...

THis is so exciting! I cried reading it tonight. Our address used to be Gotham Road, how similar and how I miss it! I am so excited and happy for all of you! Love you!!!

The North Country Sweets said...

What amazing AMAZING news! Love this!