Friday morning was Seth's little holiday show at school and we were super excited to see him perform. Performing is truly what he loves to do so he was right in his element.

He even got to stand next to the girl he has a crush on...Jade Doldo!

Such a ham!

He was so proud of himself that he didn't even say the pledge. He just smiled from ear to ear the whole time.

Our gift from Seth for Christmas!

Proud parents!

Switching Seth to my mom's class was the best thing we ever did. He is thriving and loves every minute of school this year.

We are so happy that Uncle J was home to see Seth in his debut.
I have tons of videos that I will attempt to upload today.
Also, last night Seth made tickets for us to attend his "concert". Seth pretended that he was Justin Beaver (we died laughing because his name is actually Justin Bieber) and he break danced and sang songs for us. We were laughing so hard! Such a performer!
Seth looks so cute in his little argyle sweater!
wow he has quite the cheering section! Go Seth!
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