Monday, April 05, 2010

Mr. Picky VS: Miss Garbage Disposal

It seems that right now we have two kinds of eaters in our house. Seth has become super picky and could basically live on fruit and Leah will almost eat anything at anytime. She would be happy as can be to just sit in her high chair for hours at a time and just graze!

Seth forced himself to finish his dinner the other night after being bribed! Leah shoveled the food in as fast as can be! This was the first time she had Chinese food and there were no complaints!
I gave her a little of the spicy chicken, she loved it!

How can I get these noddles in my mouth faster?


Uncle Justin said...

Haha, this literally made me laugh out loud. Love the open-mouthed bike picture too!

The North Country Sweets said...

It is great having an "eater" makes like simple...but at least its Fruit he'll eat...could be the lo mein and spicy chicken!

Jen said...

I totally feel your pain with the picky eaters. We have two of them and it makes life very difficult! Hopefully Noelle will be much better about eating than her two big sisters.