Thursday, October 08, 2009

On the Mend

Let's just say it has been a long few days with sickness and little to no energy, BUT we are on the mend. I started to come down with a cold late Sunday, but was hoping that with some TLC it would go away. Boy, was I wrong! By Tuesday morning at work I thought I'd about keel over so I was told to go home about 11am. I headed to urgent care, got some meds and rested. I thought I was feeling better, but once again wrong wrong wrong as I stayed home from work on Wed and today. Today I feel worlds better, but not 100%.

On Sunday I noticed some strangeness coming from Leah's ear and at first I brushed it off as possible spit up that had oozed to her ear in her sleep. I cleaned her up, but again on Monday I noticed it. By Tuesday night there was more so I started to get worried. I called the docs and got her an appointment too. Roland took her bright and early on Wednesday morning and you wouldn't believe what they told us...her left ear ruptured and her right ear is severely inflamed. We never in a million years saw any signs. She never ran a fever or was fussy at all. If it hadn't been for the ooze coming out of the left ear we would never have known anything was wrong. Those darn ear infections are so tricky. So she is on ear drops and a heavy antibiotic. On the bright side, she is happy as can be. Thank heavens for small favors!

So that has been our week in a nutshell! Here is hoping for brighter days ahead!


Sarah Richards said...

Brady never has any signs either! It must be that our easy babies even are easy when they have ear infections?? Hope she feel better soon!

Jen said...

Poor Leah... hope her ears are better soon. Glad to know that you're finally feeling better. Moms aren't supposed to get sick... remember!