Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Our Trip to SYR

Yesterday I took my first solo trip to SYR with the kids to visit Beth, Lucy and Mariana. They just moved back and into a new house so we were very excited to see it and them.Lucy had Seth playing house with full on dress up shoes. It was hysterical! I'm not so sure if he will appreciate these pictures when he is 15, but I had to take a picture. They were having so much fun.

Now that Leah is 2 months old it is hard to believe that she was as little as Mariana. The time is flying by so quickly. We had such a fun day and we realized how much we miss The Nagraj family, thank goodness they are only an hour away and we can visit anytime.


jen said...

Love the heels Seth! We've got a whole drawer full, come on over anytime!

Sarene said...

Holy smokes! I cannot believe it's been 2 months already! She is such a pretty little thing---hope to see her in person soon.:)