Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Fav's List

This week was an even bigger blur than last week, but a blur filled with fun activities! Let's see, what did we do this week...

~ Play dates on Fort Drum where the boys ran and ran and ran! YIPPEE!!
~ Leahs' 1 month check was a total success and she is thriving!
~ Overdue lunch dates with my sister as we gabbed and ate Panera.
~ Easter story time at the library. Seth got to make an Easter craft and had a blast doing it.
~ Wednesday dates with Seth at Target.
~ Rocky got an Easter grooming and smells like a brand new dog!
~ Coloring Easter eggs and making Easter cookies today with Grammy P.
~ Roland's long awaited SNIRT (Snow/Ice/Dirt) Poker Run tomorrow.
~ Maya's 3rd Birthday Party tomorrow night!
~ Feeding my WWII obsession by watching the movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" yesterday. BTW...if you watch it, the ending is horrible!
~ Receiving yet more little gifties from caring friends and family for the kids. Thank you to Emily for the awesome University of Miami t's for the kids, Debbie for the beautiful summer dress and Aunt Toby and Uncle Paul for the money for Leah's college fund!
~ Having a giant Easter egg hunt for Seth on Sunday morning followed by church, nap and Lowville in the afternoon.
~ I think spring is finally here and our stroller can come out of the garage permanently. The snow is melting and the temps are rising!
~ Positive thinking!

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