The largest jumpy we have ever seen!Slide Racer Jumpy
Dino Jumpy!
Action Shot of Seth
Roland was "helping"(having more fun is more like it!)
Group Shot
After Leah's bottle she went right back to sleep
On the way to Babies R Us we drove through the ghetto and had to take a picture of this wonderful little establishment!
We had a great day, enjoyed the party a ton and bought our double stroller on the way home. We even walked over to the playground and met MJ last night to play. Now, today on the other hand we are a little mad because we have awoken to SNOW on the ground. YES, snow! That is not part of the plan now, it is spring, we don't want any more snow! If we could possibly put in a request it would be for 50 to 60 degree weather for the spring!
Looks like fun. We go to a place called "Pump it Up" that is similar, but doesn't have as much stuff as that one does.
Jen - Jen V gave me your blog, I was jsut reading today's post and had to smile... The Tents a& Events place is my sister and brother in laws! I had to send them an email and let them know how much you all enjoyed it!
Nikki (Renzi) Roy
My sister Nikki forwarded your comments and I'm so glad to hear you all had a great time. Tell all your friends as it isn't a bad drive down now that the weather is good. Thanks again and great pictures!!! We appreciate the comments and welcome any feedback.
Hope to see you again at the Party place!
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