Thought you all might need a post holiday pick me up!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Wake Up Video
PS- I have a ton of new video footage and pics from the last few days, but with all the holiday craziness I haven't had time to upload them yet, but be patient they are coming!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Rich in Friendships
The second gift that she gave me I will cherish forever. I am a sucker for things that are personalized, whether by name or by picture and she bought us the following...
This is my favorite, it is the page for the letter K and Seth is the kayaker! Just amazing! We are so rich in all of our friendships that we can't express our gratitude enough. Thank you everyone out there for all of the cards, emails, texts, phone calls etc that we have recieved this past month and always. We value those friendships so much!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Happy Tuesday
Do you know your ABCs?
Seth has GREAT Rhythm!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Festive Weekend

Saturday we were foolish enough to go to Walmart and the mall in the morning. First of all it was Shop with a Cop day at Walmart and there were literally 25 cops inside shopping with underprivilaged kids and then the lines at the mall were insane, BUT I am proud to say that I got all of our shopping done! YIPPEEE!
The Pepsi party was very fun. They had open bar which can be dangerous, but I was on my best behavior. The appetizers were excellent and the dinner was pretty good too! We had the room with the fireplace so it was warm and everyone had so much fun!
Part of the Crew
Megan, Myself and Misty
Paul was amess, I had to pull out the Tide on the Go for him!
Jaime ate 2 plates!
I have a ton more pictures, but I won't bore you with them! As you can tell we had a great time!
Sunday we battled the storm to get groceries and run a couple of errands. We had hoped to get Seth out on his sled, but we all took naps once again and never got around to it. This weekend!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Status Report
I have to give my hubs the "DAD OF THE YEAR" Award though. Nothing phases him, he is cool, calm and collected! He once again slept on Seth's floor with him and for that I am eternally grateful! I owe him big time when golf and 4 wheeling season roll around again! Thank you Ro, you are the BEST!
Tonight is girls night out and I am looking forward to it, but I feel a little guilty to be leaving Ro with a possibly screaming child. So if you could, please send some positive thoughts our way tonight.
Tomorrow night is the Pepsi Party. We are both looking forward to it! I did cancel the overnight sitter though, I don't want to put her through that trauma. Although, her mom thinks it would be good birth control for her! So mean!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Night Terrors
Last night I put an extra night light in his room for added light (thanks Krista for the advice!) and he made it until 3am, but then cried for an hour.
Everyone I talk with says that it is a phase and will pass so Ro and I are going to take turns sleeping downstairs so that at least one of us is coherant each day!
We finished up our last session of swim class for a while so now we'll find other winter activities to do. I also pretty much finished up our Christmas shopping, I only have 2 things left to get! Yippee!
Tomorrow night is girls night out and Saturday is Ro's Pepsi party. I hired our sitter to stay the night, but now I'm rethinking that idea. I don't want to put her through the screaming at 3am!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Mom Advice
Is he having night terrors?
Does he have a belly ache? (he said two out of the three nights, "Mommy poop.")
Does he have an ear infection?
I just don't know!
The sitter says that he is "going" like normal at her house, but he doesn't "go" after dinner so one suggestion was to mix a little prune puree into his applesauce or mix some prune juice with water and give it to him.
If he is having night terrors a teacher friend said you just have to wait it out and Ro and I have to take turns sleeping.
I don't think it is an ear infection because he isn't running a low grade fever and his mood is fine.
So after all of this babbling, please offer some words of advice or just positive energy! PLEASE!!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Some Monday Morning Magic
Just a little Seth magic to start your week off right!
He is such a precious little man!
Friday, December 07, 2007
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Running Away

Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Weekend Part 2
Sorry to make you crick your neck, I'm not sure why I recorded it this way, OOPS! Also WARNING my singing is horrible in this video, sorry!

1. The lay out

2. The careful placement

3. The final product! YIPPEE!
I hope you are all enjoying the season like we are!
Monday, December 03, 2007
Weekend Part 1

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Holiday Thoughts

lights, fires in the fireplace, my Christmas Villiage displayed in our diningroom, cookies, munchy foods, wrapping paper, Christmas carols, putting up the tree, shopping, being creative, taking pictures, taking Seth sledding for the 1st time (can't wait!), family, Tom & Jerry's, friends, date nights, shoppings days with my Gram, parties, sights for the first time, reliving the experience through Seth's eyes, decorations, reading holiday books, dressing up, driving around to see the lights, going to Lights on the Lake, cookie day, giving, caroling, dancing in our kitchen, holiday specials on TV, Christmas Eve Mass, getting together, sending love far and wide, Christmas cards, cozy houses...
Monday, November 26, 2007
Holiday Weekend
Seth's 2nd Annual Holiday Commercial

The Playback

What more could you ask for in a Sunday?
Stay tuned to Channel 7 for upcoming holiday commercials featuring our very own little man!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
* a relaxing, food filled, family and friend filled, cuddle up with your loves filled day!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Happy 2nd Birthday Morgin!
We hope you have a wonderful day
and we'll see you tomorrow!
Monday, November 19, 2007
(+'s & -'s)
One the (-) side...
* I was sick all weekend with a puking bug
* I missed Thanksgiving dinner at Ro's family
* I missed seeing Eric, Sheryl and Jess after 3 months
* I missed Ro and my shopping day without Seth
* I may never go back to Texas Roadhouse because I think that is what made me sick and it is one of my favorite restaurants
* I have parent teacher conferences from 11-8 tonight and I won't see Seth at ALL today
* I'm feeling a little tired and crappy today and I have to put on a big fat smile for 30 parents
Enough of my bitching, now onto the (+)...
* I have the best husband in the world who totally picked up the slack this ENTIRE weekend while I was in bed
* I have the best son who was good for his Daddy all weekend
* I have a great MOL who is watching Seth tonight while I am working
* I only have to work 2 days this week
* We are hosting Thanksgiving for 12 people on Thursday
* My cleaning lady is at my house as I type dissinfecting it so that is one less thing I have to do
* We are going 4 wheeling on Friday with some friends
* Our close friends the Voss' moved into their new house one block away
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Warm Water Again
Nothing new to report. My grandparents came down last night and went to swim class with us. Seth was such a ham, he loved having people watching him. Then we had pizza and played before he went to bed EARLY. He was one pooped baby!
Tonight is the dreaded haircut. Dayna is coming over for dinner/haircut and Seth hates his hair cut so if you hear him screaming where you live you'll know why. Send positive thoughts our way!
Other then that it has been a dreary/cold/windy/gloomy week! Here's to a fun weekend!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Priceless Moment
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Calm, Cool and Collected
Monday, November 12, 2007
Our Cup Runith Over

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
In My Next 30 Years...
Myself, I have 3 months to go!
I can remember at Ro's 30th birthday party we played the Tim McGraw song, "In My Next 30 Years" and I always cry when he says "raise a little family and hang out with my wife!" Ro laughs, but every time that part comes on I cry like a baby! Such a sap I am!
PS: Back to my post about the movie Vacancy... So my brother tells me that the only close and reasonably priced place to stay in Ithaca near his dorm is a MOTEL! I'm freaking! Seriously!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Dancing Heals the Soul
Thursday, November 01, 2007
On to the Next Holiday...
Seth with Grandma Charlton last night!
I can't remember a time when I have been so tired. Today is that day and I even went to bed at 9:30pm in the middle of Private Practice. All the commotion just tired me out!
Tonight will be a low key evening and tomorrow night we are going to go to happy hour at Joe's for a bit. Followed by the big craft fair on Fort Drum on Saturday.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween

Family hugs are the best!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Post Weekend Wrapup

SUNDAY: The rain finally stopped so we were outside and walking like maniacs. Sunday was also filled to the brims with food. We went to Grandpa and Nana Buckingham's in the afternoon to see Ryan, Katie, Gwen and Elise and ate our way through the afternoon. I have never seen my Dad cook so much perch in my life. He cooked 2 heaping platters of fish and I safely ate my way through half of one. It was awesome! That food was followed by a big ziti/salad/bread dinner that I cooked at our house for Bonnie and Ro. So as you can see the main idea for Sunday was the more food the better!

Seth is addicted to giving hugs and we LOVE it!
Monday, October 29, 2007

I'll post some pics from girls night later today when I upload them! So stayed tuned...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Jump on the Bandwagon (Literally)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Addy the birthday girl!

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Video Love
Seth & Jacob at Behlings last weekend!
Seth playing the Wii
Playing motorboat at swim class with Daddy!
We hope that you have enjoyed your weekly dose of videos from our library! Seth is growing and changing so much each day. Thank god for cameras!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Status Report
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Add on...
Full of...

Sunday, October 14, 2007
Date Night

We went to see Good Luck Chuck because wanted a good laugh and not any drama. We definately got a good laugh,more then good. This is a very funny movie so if you get the chance check it out!
We have a playdate with Kristen and Jacob this afternoon so please pray that we don't get any more rain, we are headed to Behlings for a few kiddie rides and a hay ride. Pics to come!
Friday, October 12, 2007
You are probably wondering what the heck I am talking about. We have gone to Sam's twice in the last week for varying reasons and both times we have gone their have been five RVs parked around the perimiter of the parking lot all hooked up. People actually live in the Sam's parking lot! I'm totally baffled!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Feeding Frenzy
We have to say a special Happy Birthday to Poppy AKA Tommy today! We celebrated his birthday basically all weekend, but today is the official day! We hope it was a good one. Speaking of birthday, Seth now says, "Happy Birthday" and it is too cute!
Nothing else much is new here. It has been a rainy and dreary week, BUT a healthy one, (knock on wood please!). We went to swim tonight and Seth loves it. Then, we went to Burger King for dinner. I know it is highly nutritious, but what the heck you only live once and after that strenuous swim class I deserve a big fat burger with all the fixings.
Friday night is the annual Folk Art Show in SYR and Sue and I go every year together so I'm excited about our evening. Saturday night we are supposed to go out to dinner with Erin and Jason, but Erin is sick so it might just be a date night for Ro and I. Time will tell!
We also have a play date with Jacob and Kristen at some point this weekend, we are yet to nail that down, but it will happen!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Sunday we celebrated Tommy's birthday with dinner at Mom and Tom's and today my Mom and I took Seth to Old McDonald's Farm and he loved it! He just loves animals and he was so happy. You could tell by the smile on his face! Tomorow is back to work and I'm pretty much ready because I basically had all of last week off with Seth being sick so I'm ready to get back into the swing of things. Bring it on!
PS: We are so very happy that the Yankees pulled their heads out of their butts and won last night!